The series Bridgerton, despite its continued dominance on Netflix rankings, presents significant flaws that raise questions about its true ambitions. The series, which follows the romantic adventures of each member of the Bridgerton family, seems to get lost between the glitz and court intrigues, leaving some important aspects underdeveloped.
An Superficial Approach to Racial Issues
Despite apparent racial equality in the series, the treatment of interracial relationships is superficial. The series dedicates little time to this theme, leaving the viewer uncertain about the series’ stance on the issue. Rather than significantly addressing the fight against racism, the series seems to prefer sweeping this issue under the rug.
Eloise, an Underdeveloped Character
Despite the potential to be an interesting character, Eloise is often portrayed in a ridiculous manner, which undermines her credibility with the audience. Despite her passionate speeches about the injustice of the patriarchal society, Eloise does not seem to understand her own privileged position, which can seem contradictory.
An Insufficient Queer Representation
The series hints at the possibility of a gay main character, but this possibility never materializes. Additionally, the queer community is only represented by a few supporting characters, contributing to an insufficient and underdeveloped representation of this community.
An Insufficient Number of Episodes
Lastly, despite the impressive number of characters in the series, the number of episodes seems insufficient to fully develop each character and each secondary plot. This can give the impression that the series is rushed and fails to delve into some of its main themes.
What Do We Think?
Despite its flaws, Bridgerton remains an entertaining series with visually stunning cinematography. However, the Netflix series could benefit from delving more deeply and nuanced into some of the themes it raises. Furthermore, better utilization of its characters could help enrich the plot and further captivate the audience.